cp command in Linux with examples


cp command in Linux with examples

cp stands for copy. This command is used to copy files or group of files or directory. It creates an exact image of a file on a disk with different file name. cp command require at least two filenames in its arguments.

cp [OPTION] Source Destination

cp [OPTION] Source Directory

cp [OPTION] Source-1 Source-2 Source-3 Source-n Directory

Type Of Transfer : 

1. File to Directory

Example 1.1 : file to directory in present directory

Example 1.2 : I am somewhere else but we can transfer file to directory using location also

Example 1.3 : I am somewhere else but we can transfer file to directory using location also

2. Directory to directory

Example 2.1 : I am somewhere else but we can transfer file to directory using location also

Example 2.1 : I am somewhere else but we can transfer file to directory using location also

3. Content Transfer : file to file

3.1 Overwrite mode : Delete previous data

3.2 Append mode : Preserve previous data

the cp command is not typically used for appending data to an existing file. The cp command is usually used to copy files from one location to another

Example 3.2.1 to append the data form one file to another

cat string2.txt >> report.txt

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